How to find work you love | Scott Dinsmore

Executive Summary:

  • Scott Dinsmore emphasized the importance of finding work aligned with your unique passions and strengths, noting that over 80% of people are dissatisfied with their jobs. He challenged the audience to identify the work they "can't not do" that will create positive change.
  • Scott Dinsmore shared how he pushed past his own limits, such as swimming across the San Francisco Bay, and surrounded himself with a community of passionate people who encouraged him to accomplish his "impossibilities." He stressed taking incremental steps to achieve your goals.
  • Scott Dinsmore built a community called "Live Your Legend" to connect people pursuing meaningful work. He described a pivotal mindset shift from "how could I possibly do this?" to "how could I possibly not?" when immersed in a community of people doing work they love, leading to 160x growth in 12 months.

Meeting Notes:

Finding Your Passion and Purpose

  • Scott Dinsmore shared his personal story of being given terrible advice to focus solely on building his resume rather than pursuing work he was passionate about. This led him to quickly become dissatisfied with his corporate job.
  • He discovered that over 80% of people don't enjoy their work, according to studies by Deloitte.
  • Scott Dinsmore emphasized the importance of: Understanding your unique strengths through tools like StrengthsFinder 2.0, Identifying your personal values and decision-making framework, Reflecting on your experiences to learn what you love/hate and what you're good/bad at, Defining what success truly means to you based on the above factors.
  • This self-understanding allows you to identify work that aligns with who you are and gives you passion and purpose.

Pushing Past Your Limits

  • Scott Dinsmore challenged himself physically, such as swimming across the San Francisco Bay despite his fear of deep water, to build confidence and prove possibilities to himself and others.
  • He surrounded himself with passionate, inspiring people who encouraged him to try new things and not let perceived limitations hold him back.
  • Scott Dinsmore shared a powerful story of a young boy in a wheelchair who defied expectations by swimming across the bay, celebrating with a victorious fist pump.
  • He emphasized taking small, incremental steps to accomplish your own "impossibilities" and prove yourself and others wrong about what you can achieve.

Creating a Community for Change

  • Scott Dinsmore built a community called "Live Your Legend" to connect people pursuing meaningful work aligned with their passions.
  • He stressed the immense power of surrounding yourself with the right people who inspire belief in possibilities.
  • As Scott Dinsmore spent more time in this passionate community, his mindset shifted from "how could I possibly do this?" to "how could I possibly not?" - the community made the seemingly impossible feel normal.
  • In the first 4 years, Live Your Legend had almost no growth until Scott Dinsmore immersed himself in San Francisco's passionate community of people doing work they loved. Then the community grew 160x in just 12 months.

The Changing Mindset

  • Scott Dinsmore described his pivotal mindset shift from thinking "how could I possibly do this?" to "how could I possibly not?" after surrounding himself with passionate people.
  • He noted a growing trend of people quitting unfulfilling jobs to pursue work they're genuinely inspired by, driven by the belief that the only limit is their own imagination.

A Call to Action

  • Scott Dinsmore urged the audience to discover the work they "can't not do" - work deeply aligned with their passions that they feel compelled to pursue.
  • He believes when more people do work they are truly passionate about, it will catalyze greater innovation, positive impact, and change in the world.
  • Scott Dinsmore's key question: "What is the work you can't not do?" Discover that work and live it out boldly.