Tips for Technical Startup Founders

Executive Summary:

  • The technical founder's role involves intense commitment, leading product development, and being willing to take on any task. They should focus on shipping "good enough" versions rapidly rather than perfect architecture.
  • In the ideation and MVP stages, the goal is to build prototypes and MVPs in days/weeks using quick, simple tools and processes to get feedback from users as soon as possible.
  • After launch, the focus shifts to rapidly iterating based on data and user feedback, balancing new features and technical debt, as the startup works towards product-market fit. The technical founder's role then evolves to be less hands-on coding and more architectural/leadership.

Meeting Notes:

The Role of the Technical Founder

  • Diana Hu defines a technical founder as a partner with intense commitment and continuous learning in the startup journey
  • Responsibilities of a technical founder:
    • Lead building the product and talking to users
    • Take on roles like CEO, CTO, or others based on the product, industry, and team composition
  • Key differences from a lead developer role:
    • Must do all tech tasks - front-end, back-end, DevOps, website, UX, IT supervision, etc.
    • Bias towards shipping "good enough" versions rapidly over perfect architecture
    • Get comfortable with technical debt, inefficient processes, chaos - prioritize company success
    • Willingness to do any task required, regardless of expertise or "pay grade"

Building in the Ideation Stage

  • Goal: Build a prototype in days to demo the idea to users
  • Guiding principles:
    • Build extremely quickly using prototyping tools/software to keep it simple
    • Avoid over-building - prototype just needs to demonstrate the core idea, not be perfect
    • Get the prototype in front of users fast to gather feedback
  • Examples:
    • Diana Hu's startup Essoreality built a prototype in weeks by running computer vision on phones
    • Optimizely created a clickable prototype in days using JavaScript on S3 for A/B testing
    • Remora (hard tech startup) used 3D rendering to prototype their carbon capture solution

Building an MVP to Launch

  • Goal: Build an MVP that works to launch quickly, ideally in weeks
  • Diana Hu cautions against hiring early as it can slow the launch
  • Guiding principles:
    • Do things that don't scale - use manual processes and "clever hacks" to learn fast
    • Create a "90/10 solution" - focus on core functionality, not comprehensive product
    • Choose tech for iteration speed, not perfection - use frameworks, APIs, tools
  • Examples:
    • Apollo Outdoor Delivery launched with static HTML/CSS front-end and Google Forms backend
    • WayUp used Django/Python to build their MVP quickly, though Ruby on Rails was more popular

Iterating After Launch

  • Goal: Iterate towards product-market fit
  • Guiding principles:
    • Quickly iterate based on analytics (hard data) and user interviews (soft data)
    • Continuously launch new features and improvements
    • Balance building new features vs. fixing technical debt (debt is okay at this stage)
  • Examples:
    • WePay pivoted based on data showing B2B opportunity
    • Cutnet did 5 launches in 1 month, rapidly adding new integrations based on user feedback

Technical Founder's Role Evolution Post Product-Market Fit

  • Less hands-on coding (< 50% with 5-10 engineers), more architecture/leadership
  • Decisions: Remain in architect role or transition to people management/VP Engineering
  • Scaling involves:
    • Determining which tech needs rework to handle scale
    • Defining engineering culture and processes
    • Initial hires from founder's network, then building out larger team